

EAPSPI 2024 Annual General Meeting in Paris

Join us on November 7th and 8th for two days of insightful discussions and networking in Paris

We are excited to announce that our members Caisse des Dépôts and Préfon will be co-hosting this year’s EAPSPI Annual General Meeting and Conference.

On November 7th, we will hold our Open Information Meeting from 14:00 to 17:10, which is open to all interested parties. During this session, we will present the key topics our association has worked on over the past year, including:

Mechanisms of Progressive Retirement Across Europe

European Pension Policy: Legislative and supervisory activities (EIOPA, IORP 2, Capital Markets Union)

Cross-Border Pension Information

The day will conclude with the EAPSPI General Assembly for members only starting from 17:15.

On November 8th, we are hosting our Annual Conference focusing on ‘What do ESG commitments mean for public pensions?’

This promises to be a thought-provoking discussion on how ESG factors are reshaping the public pension landscape. It’s a unique opportunity to hear from key industry leaders and engage with experts.

We look forward to welcoming you to this event!

EAPSPI European Policy News 04/2024
Policy Newsletter

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our latest edition of EAPSPI European Policy News. Following the recent European elections, we are closely monitoring changes and new developments in the EU policy landscape. This issue brings you up to date with the latest and most relevant policy updates and legislative changes.

You will find an overview of the Sustainability Due Diligence Obligations (CSDDD), where agreement has been reached on the Supply Chain Directive, and we explore the latest developments in the review of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). We also examine EIOPA’s opinion on sustainability claims, which proposes four key principles, and the EU Parliament's position on the Financial Information Disclosure Act (FIDA). Finally, we bring you a summary of the latest Pension Adequacy Report, published in June.

Stay informed and engaged with us as we navigate these important policy developments together.

Best regards,

European Policy News Team


Thank you for a successful Conference!
🌟 A look back at the EAPSPI General Assembly and Conference in San Sebastian! 🌟

Last week's conference in San Sebastian was a great experience and we're humbled by the positive feedback we received. Many thanks to our member and host Elkarkidetza ESVP for organising a high level event in a stunning setting and to all the participants, speakers and partners for making it a success.

The discussions on pension sustainability, adequacy, pension literacy and communication were insightful and provided new perspectives. We explored topics such as automatic enrolment, lump sums versus annuities and the impact of migration on pension systems.

Special thanks to Deputy Minister of Finances and Budget Hernando Lacalle Edeso for the keynote speech on the Basque financial and pension system, to our speakers Elsa Fornero, Carmen Boado Penas, Ole Settergren and to our moderator Yves Stevens for sharing their knowledge and expertise with us.

For professionals interested in pension issues, this was an event worth attending. The charm of San Sebastian added an extra flair to our discussions.

We're grateful for the engaging discussions and look forward to seeing how these insights will shape future discussions.

A look back at the EAPSPI AGM and Annual Pensions Conference in Donostia/San Sebastian, 23-25 November 2023
AGM 2023


The annual EAPSPI conference: "The Challenge of an Adequate, Fair and Sustainable Pension System" in Donostia/San Sebastián brought together a wealth of expertise from internationally renowned speakers such as Ms Elsa Fornero (Professor of Economics at the University of Turin), Ms Carmen Boado (Professor at the School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Actuarial Mathematics & Statistics at Heriot Watt University Edinburgh) and Mr Ole Settergren (Research Director at the Swedish Pensions Agency).

EAPSPI was also honoured by the presence of Mr. Hernando Lacalle, Basque Vice-Minister of Finance and Budget, who delivered the keynote speech on the Basque Country and its pension system.

Moderated by Yves Stevens (Professor of Social Law & Director of Post-Academic Training at the Faculty of Law, KU Leuven-Belgium), the first round table showed that building and maintaining trust in pensions and the pension system is fundamental. By empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their financial future, reforms to pension systems are seen as less critical and the need for them is understood. As we have heard, research shows a statistically significant correlation between pension literacy and acceptance of pension- reforms.

Pension tracking services such as the ETS - European Tracking Service - presented by ETS project manager and EAPSPI chair Claudia Wegner-Wahnschaffe - were discussed as a means to improve pension literacy. By providing accessible information in one place, they empower individuals to navigate the complexities of pensions with greater confidence.

As the speakers engaged with an audience passionate about the European pension landscape, it became clear that the conference was a platform for important discussions and insights into the latest research and pension reforms in Europe.

EAPSPI 2023 Annual General Meeting in San Sebastian/Donostia
AGM 2023

Updated Agenda:

EAPSPI 2023 Annual General Meeting


Donostia – San Sebatián. Basque Country


November 23/24/25


Hotel de Londres y de Inglaterra

Registration Form


PPC Meeting 5./6. September 2023 in Stockholm
PPC Meeting 2023

The first EAPSPI "Pension Seminar and Meet & Greet" as part of the Pension Policy Committee (PPC) meeting in Stockholm on 5-6 September showed once again how important and fruitful the European exchange and collaboration on pensions is.

The program was carefully put together and - amongst others - provided latest insights on

  • Biodiversity in investments
  • MinPension tracking service
  • Recent pension developments in different European countries
  • IORP II directive
  • Communication & branding for pensions
  • Gender pension gap
  •  Legal rulings

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this two-day event. A special thanks to our hosts from KPA Pension for their hospitality and for providing us with in-depth knowledge of the Swedish pension system, presenting specific case studies from their daily work and facilitating the exchange with national social partners, including representatives from the Swedish Pension Agency.

A special highlight was the guided art tour in the beautiful premises of Folksam/KPA.

Impressions from the EAPSPI Annual Pension Conference and AGM in Berlin
Impressions from the EAPSPI Annual Pension Conference and AGM in Berlin

After two years, EAPSPI was able to hold its Annual Pension Conference and AGM in person again.

It was a great opportunity to meet face-to-face once again and get the latest insights on pensions, inflation and geopolitical challenges from our expert speakers - including Uwe Dürkop, Chief Economist Sparkasse Berlin; Jens Henriksson, CEO Swedbank; Matti Leppälä, Secretary General Pensions Europe, Brussels; Klaus Stiefermann, CEO aba, Germany; Amaia Aldasoro Iturbe, Vice President Elkarkidetza, Basque Country; Piia Laaksonen, Chief Actuary Keva; Johan Sjöström, CEO KPA, Sweden; Hagen Hügelschäffer, Managing Director AKA, Germany; Björn Hamre, Director KLP Norway.

We would like to thank all participants for their valuable contributions to the EAPSPI Annual Pension Conference 2022 in Berlin and VBL - Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder for their support in organizing our event in a stunning location at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ballroom.

EAPSPI Annual Pension Conference and AGM 2022
EAPSPI Annual Pension Conference and AGM 2022

After two years of remote meetings, the EAPSPI Annual Pension Conference and AGM 2022 will take place in person on September 30 in Berlin, following the ETS event on September 29.

Further information found here: ETS


Registration form

We look forward to welcoming you in Berlin.



Annual Meeting of EAPSPI 2021

Dear Members and Observers, .

the documentation of the Annual Meeting 2021 is now available in the Event-Section of the EAPSPI-Homepage.

Due to COVID-19 and travel restrictions, the AGM took part online, and was hosted jointly by EAPSPI and KPA Pension.

The programm and the recordings for the referred meetings are as follows:


  • Alle
  • 2006
  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • Annual General Meeting
  • Annual Report
  • Declaration
  • Image brochure
  • Position Paper
  • Report
  • Statement
European Commission Ageing Report
The 2021 Ageing Report: Economic and Budgetary Projections for the EU Member States (2019-2070)
Stand: Mai 2021
AGM / Invitation
EAPSPI 2020 Annual General Meeting
Stand: Oktober 2020
EAPSPI Declaration on ESG Munich
Declaration on ESG by the European Association of Public Sector Pension Institutions (EAPSPI)
Stand: Oktober 2019
Consultation on the Review of the European System of Financial Stability
EAPSPI's answer of 31 July 2013 to the "Consultation on the Review of the European System of Financial Stability"
Stand: Juli 2013
Joint Statement of 10 July 2013 on IORP II Governance and Transparency measures
Joint Statement of 10 July 2013 on IORP II Governance and Transparency measures - EMPLOYER, WORKER AND INDUSTRY REPRESENTATIVES: Genuine Transparency and Governance Measures for European IORPs
Stand: Juli 2013
"Long-term Financing of the European Economy"
EAPSPI's position paper on the Green Paper "Long-term Financing of the European Economy",
Stand: Juni 2013
Stand: Januar 2011
EAPSPI Statement EU roadmap VAT
The European Commission has published in Oct 2020 a roadmap including a consultation on the VAT regulations for finance and insurance services raising the question of relevant VAT exemptions. The roadmap clearly addresses and only positively presents the option of generally abolishing those exemptions. According to our assessment such an general abolishment would negatively affect pensions as this this would lead to an increase in cost and a reduction in benefits. To reduce legal uncertainty and complexity of VAT rules EAPSPI suggests a clear and undisputable legal exemption from VAT for pension schemes and service. For more information see the attached statement.
Stand: November 2020
"Draft technical specifications QIS of EIOPA's advice on the review of the IORP Directive"
Answers of 31 July 2012 to the consultation by EIOPA (CP-12/003): "Draft technical specifications QIS of EIOPA's advice on the review of the IORP Directive"
Stand: Juli 2012
Report on Mobility and Pensions - Part 1
EAPSPI's report of 18 October 2012 about Mobility and Pensions - Part 1
Stand: Oktober 2012
Statement: Green Paper on the modernisation of EU public procurement policy towards a more efficient European Procurement Market
Answers of 15 April 2011 to the Green Paper on the modernisation of EU public procurement policy towards a more efficient European Procurement Market
Stand: April 2011
"Response to Call for Advice on the review of Directive 2003/41/EC: second consultation"
Answers of 30 December 2011 to the consultation by EIOPA (CP-11/006): "Response to Call for Advice on the review of Directive 2003/41/EC: second consultation"
Stand: Dezember 2011
"Draft response to the Call for Advice on the review of Directive 2003/41/EC: Scope, cross-border activity, prudential regulation and governance"
Answers of 12 August 2011 to the consultation by EIOPA (CP-11/001): "Draft response to the Call for Advice on the review of Directive 2003/41/EC: Scope, cross-border activity, prudential regulation and governance"
Stand: August 2011
Annual report 2010
EAPSPI's Annual report 2010
Stand: Januar 2011
"Packaged Retail Investment Products"
Answers of 28 January 2011 to the consultation by Commission services on legislative steps for the "Packaged Retail Investment Products" (PRIPs) initiative
Stand: Januar 2011
Green Paper towards adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems
Green Paper towards adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems Position Paper Answers of 8 November 2010 to the questions of the Green Paper towards adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems
Stand: November 2010
Input: Green Paper towards adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems
Input for a statement of 14 October 2010 to the Green Paper towards adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems
Stand: Oktober 2010
New Membership of Kapitalska družba (Slovenia)
Press release of 6 July 2010 about the new membership of Kapitalska družba (Slovenia)
Stand: Juli 2010
Image brochure
EAPSPI's Image brochure of July 2010
Stand: Juli 2010
Stand: Dezember 2009
Position Paper of 27 November 2008
Position Paper to the consultation on the Harmonisation of Solvency Rules applicable to Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (IORPs) covered by Article 17 of the IORP Directive and IORPs operating on a cross-border basis (Ares (08) 14767)
Stand: November 2008
Position Paper of 4 April 2008
Position Paper of 4 April 2008 on the proposal of a directive on minimum requirements for enhancing worker mobility by improving the acquisition and preservation of supplementary pension right (COM (2007) 603)
Stand: April 2008
Position Paper of 27 November 2007
Position Paper on the issue of the application of Solvency II rules for institutions for occupational retirement provision
Stand: November 2007
Portability Report 2007
EAPSPI's portability report of April 2007
Stand: April 2007
Position Paper Portability 2006
Position Paper of February 2006 on the proposal for a directive on improving the portability of supplementary pension rights
Stand: Februar 2006
"Long-term Financing of the European Economy"
EAPSPI's position paper of 21 June 2013 on the Green Paper "Long-term Financing of the European Economy"
Stand: Juni 2013